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“I call myself a philosopher. I think about the secrets of life and the universe. If you see me sitting, staring blankly out of a window, smoking cigarettes, leave me be – for I am working”

"Being a philosopher may sound intriguing, but it is merely the ability to consider theories which are difficult to understand - and then find a way to make them completely impossible to understand - usually with the aid of much alcohol".

(Peter Weisz)

Peter majored in English language and literature and is knowledgeable in ancient and contemporary philosophy, transcendental thought, general science, theology and mystical & esoteric writings, both classical and modern. "I have always been fascinated with the subject of existence and also the concept of God ever since I began learning the "Old Testament" as a young religious Jew. Although I have now moved on from my classical and traditional religious upbringing, it nevertheless gave me my first insights into how people dealt with their perceptions and thoughts concerning the nature of creation and the universe. I have studied manuscripts of the ages, which have given me some understanding of ancient mystical thought. Although I never had the chance to further my formal education as I would have liked, I became somewhat obsessed with the writings and musings of such great thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, LÇŽozi, Gaudapada, Nietzsche, Kant, Descartes, Hegel, Russell, Spinoza, Berkeley and a host of other illustrious philosophers. Trying to make sense of their captivating thought processes was always a thrilling challenge and I spent many long evenings and nights, reading until my eyes closed - or sipping whiskey, smoking cigarettes and engaging in endless debate with like-minded peers – which always seemed to have no adequate outcomes and no satisfactory conclusions. We were, after all, searching for an extremely elusive truth – the meaning of everything! Over the years I became self-educated through research, discussion and discourse".​


I discovered the word “Metaphysics” at age 15 – and as soon as I found out what it meant, I knew it would be my life’s purpose to try to find out more about this subject and the reason (if any) for our being. Although not a mathematician or physicist, I have delved into the works of Galilei, Newton, Da Vinci, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Schrödinger, Feynman, Sagan, Hawking and many other eminent scientists, to try to enlighten myself as to the workings of this infinite space-time that we call reality. Having taken in so much information from these intellectual giants, it has not been easy for me to devise my own unique theories, but I write about what makes sense to me and what seems to be legitimate and justifiable in its content. I certainly do not subscribe to any one singular school of thought, but 30 years of private study and exploration of various texts have eventually led me to be able to begin to formulate some subjective ideas and notions and develop my own personal elucidations and some carefully calculated answers (which seem reasonable to me), to the grand questions of how and why we exist as we do.


Coupling my knowledge of the human psyche and ego, (through my studies in psychology and my familiarity with the works of Freud, Jung, Klein, Adler, Frankl, Asch and other prominent psychologists, together with my work as a psychotherapist), I have attempted to marry some of the concepts of science, religion, spirituality, philosophy and psychology, to try and make sense of what I refer to as “the illusion of reality”. I do not profess to be an intellectual or an academic. At best, it can be said that I have an overactive imagination, but this, has at least given me the impetus to put some of my thoughts down into my latest book “The Universal Mind”, which is written in an uncomplicated manner and is eminently readable by anyone of adult age.

Frankly, I would rather watch cartoons than get involved in heavy intellectual or philosophical debate as to the realization of an ultimate truth - because there is no single truth - and debate will often end in quarrel and dispute, as each party tries desperately (and almost always unsuccessfully) to get their point of view across to another, or to prove another person wrong. If you subscribe (as I do) to the notion that all is an illusion and this universe and everything beyond is no more than movement and vibration, then it would be true to say that none of us really exist at all as we think we do – so what’s the point in arguing about anything? And indeed, if we do not exist, then who is it that is doing the arguing? It was the Chinese philosopher LÇŽozi who stated - 'He who knows does not speak and he who speaks does not know'. Clever indeed.


My second book is in the making, as there is still much more upon which to reflect and contemplate”.


I would very much like my epitaph to read - “I was once alive – or was I?”

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